Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit Mini Bicycle U-Lock Review 2018
Kryptonite Mini Bike U-Lock
I had heard about rampant bike thefts in the city, so when I got myself an expensive bike, I was in the market for a bicycle lock that was not only sturdy but which also looked strong enough to thwart theft attempts. The Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit Mini Bicycle U-Lock does just that.
One of the reasons for considering this lock over the other cheaper versions on the market was of course the Kryptonite brand name. I was willing to pay a little extra if that meant my bike would be safe. The one thing that can be said about this lock is that it’s thick and heavy and a thief will probably end up ruining all the tools in his kitty before he can damage even the surface of the lock.
The Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit Mini Bicycle U-Lock is currently on sale on Amazon with free shipping through this link right here.
I tried using it on my bike and it is a little short but then again, the longer the lock the easier it is for miscreants to use their tools on it and given enough time they may end up compromising it. However, the only way to get through this lock is to either use a power grinder which is too noisy for a public place or to saw manually for a good half an hour; this would attract a lot of attention. So, your bike is going to be safe one way or the other when using this lock. Although I have to find innovative places to park my bike, the lock is good enough for me.
The ironic thing is that despite the overkill value of the product, somebody did try his hand at breaking the lock. Well, can’t blame the product for this if there is actually a fool who thinks that he can get through an 18mm steel shackle. The guy barely managed to damage the rubber coating before he gave up.
So, at least the frame was protected; however, I will need to get some form of locking device for the accessories as well. I can safely say that Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit Mini Bicycle U-Lock is definitely worth every penny that I spent for it.
I also liked the key with the high intensity bulb; it sure does make opening the lock easy after dark. But, the plastic material used for coating the key head is not particularly durable and comes off easily leaving pointed shards that have to be filed.
Features of Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit Mini Bicycle U-Lock:
- Extra-tough bicycle lock designed to hold up to thieves in New York and elsewhere
- Offers a maximum 12 security ranking on the Kryptonite 1-12 comparison system
- 18mm hardened Max-Performance steel shackle resists bolt cutters and leverage attacks
- Oversized, hardened steel sleeve over crossbar; double deadbolt locking
- 3 keys, 1 with high-intensity bulb for after-dark use; measures 3.25 x 6 inches
- If you want to buy these bike locks, you can get them cheapest on Amazon through this link.
Since this lock easily weighs 4 to 5 lbs, it did take a little getting used to and hauling it around was a slight bit of a problem. The only way to carry it is to either put it in your bag or chain it to the rear rack. This U lock does not come with a mounting bracket although this would have been a very useful feature given its weight. I was very happy with the size of the lock because it can be carried in a large pocket of your backpack etc. I certainly would not recommend keeping it clanging around on the handle bars but you also need to consider that strapping it may bend the rear rack.
I have used another Kryptonite bike lock before and I have never had any complaints with the locking mechanism of any of their products including this one. A lot of people complain that the U lock rusts easily and is difficult to use if exposed to rain water. However, you can simply use some spray on lubricant to keep it working as good as new.
Let me show you what current owners have to say about it.
Conclusion about Kryptonite Mini Bicycle U-Lock
Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit Mini Bicycle U-Lock is The Best Bike Lock on the Market in year 2017.
How to Chose the Best Bike Lock
Bike thefts are not only an inconvenience to your mobility but also cause a financial dent to your wallet. And yet, just a mere bike lock could be the difference between getting home swiftly and hoofing it all the way once your bike is stolen.
Choosing the Right Bike Lock for your Bike
There is a wide range of bike locks, each suited for a different situation but all for the purpose of your bike’s safety. Here are the main types:
1. Cuff Locks: just like the name suggests, this is a cuff around a pole. It is fast and easy to use.
2. O-lock: as bike thieves change tact, lock manufacturers are becoming better in their art. O-locks are the latest design and quite a number of bike owners are using them. They are designed to fit in particular strategic parts of the bike making it almost impossible for a would-be thief to run away with your bike.
3. Chain Lock: in areas with high crime rate, the sight of chain locks will be a common one. They are built with strength to ensure that it is a tough task to cut through them. If this is your choice of a lock you will need an equally good quality padlock. With this set complete, you bike is impregnable from any theft advances.
4. Club for Bikes: ever hear of the popular car clubs? The idea of these locks comes from there. But for the bikes they are called bike blubs. You are supposed to lock the wheel of your bike into a strong spot that cannot be moved or broken.
5. U-Lock: this is yet another popular choice of a bike lock. Once in place, it is impossible for a thief to insert a crowbar to break it loose. You can rest assured of your bike safety while you are away.
6. Cable: these are not the safest choice of a lock to make. They are easy to break making it a simple task for a thief. If you must use this kind of a lock make sure you have another type to use in conjunction with the cable.
Tips for Keeping your Bike Safe
Having a lock is not just enough to keep your bike safe. There is more you can do to be sure of that smooth ride every morning and evening. Here are quick tips on the safety of your bike:
· Always lock your bike in well lit areas. Thieves will find it difficult to try running off with it.
· Regularly check your lock to ensure it is in good order, no matter the type you choose. Any signs of negligence will attract a potential thief. Besides, you do not want to be buying a lock every other time.
· Always lock your bike at home. More than 50% of bikes are stolen at their owners’ homes.
How safe is your bike? Well, it is as safe as your lock offers. Get one today and have peace of mind and the assurance of a ride whenever you want to.