Ferrari 7 Speed Folding Bike Reviews 2018

Ferrari 7 Speed Folding Bike

The Ferrari 7 Speed folding bicycle raises the bar on the traditional entry level folding bikes on the market. When you mention the name Ferrari, you immediately are drawn to the companies philosophy of cutting edge technology and performance racing history. The name Ferrari is no longer limiting itself to high end sports cars, you can now see the Ferrari name on pens, clothing, sunglasses, and now high end bicycles. You can expect only the top of the line technology going into a folding bike, and the Ferrari Speed 7 bike delivers on all points.

The latest addition to the Ferrari family is the adult 7 speed folding bike. This bike folds down to an incredible 25 pounds, allowing the user to lift it with one hand and place it safely in the back of the car or truck. The Ferrari 7 Speed folding bike comes with a full two year warranty and is designed by the world famous Colnago Bicycles. Ferrari is accustomed to building top of the line automobiles, and when they entered the bicycle game they made sure to partner with the most renowned custom design bicycle company from Italy.

The Ferrari folding bike has as much attention to details as its automobiles. You can see the quality of the bike in it’s 20″ Komda Alloy 6061 FD frame, Hi-ten Steel Fork and alloy rims. You will feel the difference when you climb aboard this bike, because the ride is smooth and far superior to any folding bike in it’s class. The quality of all the bike’s components contribute to the overall performance of the bike.

With the Ferrari 7 speed folding bike, you can simply fold it up in a few seconds, and store it in the trunk and get going. Once you get to work, you can use the bike to head out for a short cruise at lunch, or even ride to the gym across town and be back in no time at all. The amazing thing about this Ferrari bike is that once you see how the bike rides, you may be inclined to spend more and more of your lunch break riding around town. You will be doing your body good and helping keep car emissions down too.

The Ferrari folding bike stands miles ahead of it’s closest competitors because of the Tektro brake set, the alloy frame and rims, SRAM Derailleur shifters and the Tektro brake set. Each particular part of this bike screams luxury, and you will be the envy of every other rider when they see this bike. Ferrari bikes stand out in a crowd, from their sleek curves and sporty lines not normally seen on a folding bike.

If you are in the market for a folding bike and can afford luxury, you may want to opt  for the Ferrari 7 speed bike. This folding bike is expencive, you will see instantly that no detail was overlooked and you can finally tell everyone you own a Ferrari. Even though the overall design of the bike is incredible to look at, it is the performance that will leave you speechless. The bike performs as well as it’s automotive counterpart, flawlessly. Be the first to get your hands on this incredible folding bike, and “Ride a Ferrari”!

Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle Specifications

  • Only weighs 25 lbs.
  • Folds in seconds
  • Ferrari Red

Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle vs Dahon Boardwalk S1 20 Inch Alloy Folding Bicycle

Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle: What is the different between folding bicycle and folding alloy bicycle? Basically, the design of both bicycles is merely the same. The folding alloy bicycle is also can be folded as any other folding bicycles. What makes it different is only the material of its frame and rims. The folding alloy bicycle is made of alloy. One of the popular folding alloy bicycles comes from the famous brand, Ferrari. Its name is Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle. When it has such a popular brand like Ferrari, then people tend to love to have one. But, what makes this Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle diverse from another folding alloy bicycle, such as Dahon Boardwalk S1 20 Inch Alloy Folding Bicycle? You might want to know.

Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle

As a quick review, this Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle has these specifications. First, the weight of New 2011 Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle is about 23 lbs. The frame, fork, and rims are made of alloy. This material might distinguish between Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle with another kind of Ferrari Folding Bicycle, since Ferrari Folding material bicycle is made of pure aluminum, so the weight is heavier. Next, its tires are KENDA 20 1-3/8 inch, with 18 speeds you can easily change according to your need.

Come to more details, New 2011 Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle has been designed with KOMDA Alloy 6061 FD frame, Alloy D/W rims, SHIMANO SL-R440/441 shifters, SHIMANO 105 derailleur, PROWHEEL ATIA-520 crank, ZOOM MTB-AL-110PP handlebars. While the h/stem of this Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle uses KOMDA FB-AL-KH52. In addition, the brake set used on this type of bike is TEKTRO R538 Calipers.

Dahon Boardwalk S1 20 Inch Alloy Folding Bicycle

Compared to New 2011 Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle, Dahon Boardwalk S1 20 Inch Alloy Folding Bicycle has its own specifications. Here they are. This type of bike weighs 25.4 lbs. The frame has been designed using HT style, Hi-Tensile Steel, TIG welded, Dahon patented ViseGrip latch. Therefore, it’s a little bit heavier than Ferrari’s. Furthermore, type of tires used by Dahon’s are Kenda K-193, 20/1.5 inch. While the speed is only 1, means that you can’t change the speed unlike when you are riding the Ferrari one. 

Additionally, another differences between New 2011 Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle with Dahon Boardwalk S1 20 Inch Alloy Folding Bicycle are, the fork used on Dahon is Hi-Tensile Steel, TIG welded curved blade with pivot. While the pedal is a non-slip Suntour folding. Also, Aluminum 14G x 25H rims, ProMax Resin lever with Steel insert as the brake, PVC Black grips, KMC 410 chain, Dahon Comfort saddle, single chain guard Forged Steel-44T crank, non-adjustable integrated Dahon patented design h/stem, and BioLogic PostPump, 34 x 580 mm seatpost. This seatpost makes other differences of both types of bicycles, since there isn’t any seatpost on New 2011 Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle.

The price for Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle vs Dahon Boardwalk S1 20 Inch Alloy Folding Bicycle

The price for the first type of bike, Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle, is expencive folding bike. While a market price set for Dahon Boardwalk S1 20 Inch Alloy Folding Bicycle is in middle range. In short, it clearly shows that Ferrari Folding Alloy Bicycle is much more expensive than Dahon Boardwalk S1 20 Inch Alloy Folding Bicycle.

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